Let go of people pleasing! Let go of perfection! Live a life you love, live what is true, and love Jesus while doing it. We can use our lives as worship by being authentic. We can let it be easy! Join host, Riley, in conversations about who God is and who we are because when we know the answers to those two questions, our identity is set and our future is whatever we decide we want it to be! This show is for the women who want MORE and are willing to seek truth in order to let God restore every broken regret and use it on mission. Connect with me! I love friends! Insta: www.instagram.com/theashandivyshow Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riley.s.powell/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ashandivy (it’s basically a party and I love it!)LoetL
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
In kids church we painted our hands and labeled each finger as a point in prayer. It makes sense! Organizing and planning often times help us know the way. Without it we tend to lose direction and end up plucking our eyebrows instead. Or goodness knows we scroll looking at other people's opinions enough on social media.
What about your heart? Your words? Your needs? God is able to meet you there but only when you show up and get honest about your self. He is always available but is not pushy.
Prayer is a way to connect to God in a honest way, but it also undoes the prayer and teaches you as much about what you think than the outcome of the prayer. Funny how God knows best. wink wink.
You are a woman of peace. You fill the world with joy and hope. You can show up and do hard things to bring life and goodness all around. Be intentional with some chunk time and pray.
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Make Spending Time with God Easy
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Confession!! I am the worst at daily discipline of any kind...including spending time reading the Bible.
I much prefer get it done, fast paced, knock it out to do lists...
So how do we feed our spirit and connect to God?
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Meditation: PEACE
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Thursday Jan 27, 2022
Find a place to rest and let God's words of peace fill your heart.
John 16:33
Psalm 4:8
Psalm 72:7
Daniel 10:19
Isaiah 32:17
Isaiah 52:7
Isaiah 53:5
Proverbs 3:16-18
Proverbs 12:20
John 14:27
Romans 5:1
Romans 15:13
Romans 14:17
2 Corinthians 13:11
Ephesians 2:14
Philippians 4:7
Colossians 3:15
2 Thessalonians 3:16
2 John 1:3
Jude 1:2
Numbers 6: 24-26
Love you big time!
Monday Jan 24, 2022
What Action Pursues Peace
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Monday Jan 24, 2022
Hey hey hey!!!! Let's dig into some practical tools to set up a life of functional, intentional, healthy spiritual living.
We want peace! So how do we get it? God says pursue it and choose, move toward it...and probably away from something opposite of peace...even that good thing that you love and is so important.
Join me over the next few weeks of grounded our days in peace and presence.
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Digging out of the Ordinary Hole of Anxiety
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
I wish January were starting with fireworks! Instead, I am recording right from my hole...I got sucked back in to muddy thinking!!!!!
It is soooooooo easy to do what I don't want to do! ...I think I've heard that somewhere..Paul felt that way.
Why in the world do I keep doing what I hate????
God is my biggest fan, cheering me on to do what is in my heart to do, but it feels too big...too hard..I'd rather binge watch 10 hours of Twilight.
While there is a time for that, I also know that I've been avoiding God and hard and daunting.
My desired feeling this year is genuine. Let it be easy is my mantra and I long to just flow in grace..bringing joy and peace. Well I have to find that stuff first. And because I know that is what I want...naturally, I run the opposite direction.
Join me on this journey, digging from the bottom up. Our life and dreams are worth fighting for. I will start at the bottom and let that refining show me the way. Would you like to join??
Join our facebook group for more discussion on each week's episode.
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
My Counseling Session for CORE WOUND HEALING
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Tuesday Jan 11, 2022
Today I am sharing my response to the episode with Monique and sharing an example of how I sought counsel and healing for something nasty that came up during my pregnancy.
We all have yucky stuff in our minds. We can choose to spread it or let it be healed. Simple as that.
Jesus is able to meet us in our mess. We can connect to our Creator for new life and abundance when we open our heart in surrender, facing truth, and allowing healing.
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Quit Doing What you Always Do: CORE WOUND HEALING w/ Monique Gaffney
Monday Jan 10, 2022
Monday Jan 10, 2022
What wounds are holding you back from energy, giving, receiving, and loving the way you want to?
Why do we keep doing the things we don't want to do? Why do I feel stuck, trapped, and dead inside?
I don't know my purpose. I want to but just can't find another way.
Today's episode is loaded with ANSWERS, true, life giving, to the root answers that will change your life.
Monique has nearly two decades in sales, business development and leadership.
Her pursuit of her Purpose started out probably just like you: knowing she was made for more since she was a little girl, hearing God's Whispers that she is here to do something big, rebelling against and ignoring those Whispers for most of her life, and then surrendered to healing her past allowing God to lead and stepping fearlessly into her Divine Purpose.
She now is a sought-after growth mentor for women who desire to heal their life and Pursue THEIR Purpose, fearlessly. In a world that is dominated by masculine energy, Monique brings a breath of fresh feminine energy, with Purpose as the guide and impact as the result.
Website links:
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Hey Dreamer! Your Life is as Big as Your Prayer
Monday Jan 03, 2022
Monday Jan 03, 2022
What?!?!? My life is only as big as my prayer? Your dreams become your reality but clarity on steps to take come with intentional rest with the one who holds your heart and creates something from nothing. He is the defender of your heart and desires wholeness of life for you. Name your prayer, make it real good, then fight for it, take action, and believe God for it!
2022 is the year of miracles and hope. Nothing is impossible.
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Christmas Devotion: How do we GET STUFF DONE?
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Monday Dec 27, 2021
Christmas Devotional
Rest and Work! Aren't they opposites? Not exactly. It was customary for a pregnant woman to rest for 3 months but Mary took intentional action to remove herself from onlookers and distractions and rest with her aunt, Elizabeth. Because of the action she received clarity. Elizabeth was able to give her great affirmation. Their hearts were filled with joy.
Clarity sometimes gets lost but we can always go back to the last thing God told us to do and do that. We find clarity in His presence. Rest doesn't mean lazy. It means intentional time with God so that when you take action it is done without striving and exhaustion but comes from a place of overflow and is given in peace.
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Christmas Devotion: Yall! Let‘s Keep the Peace in this Busy
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Monday Dec 20, 2021
Christmas Devotional: be present
I don't know about you but I don't like that chaos feeling of not being enough and not being everywhere at once and I need more of me.
Ugh. No thank you!
Can we have peace during this season and still do a good job? YES! Here are 3 or 5, I didn't count, ways to keeping the peace.
We got this!