Let go of people pleasing! Let go of perfection! Live a life you love, live what is true, and love Jesus while doing it. We can use our lives as worship by being authentic. We can let it be easy! Join host, Riley, in conversations about who God is and who we are because when we know the answers to those two questions, our identity is set and our future is whatever we decide we want it to be! This show is for the women who want MORE and are willing to seek truth in order to let God restore every broken regret and use it on mission. Connect with me! I love friends! Insta: www.instagram.com/theashandivyshow Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/riley.s.powell/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ashandivy (it’s basically a party and I love it!)LoetL
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Summer Splash Series: CAMP FIASCOS!
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
I seriously just want to take these girls to a hotel and redeem this madness!!!!! Do you send your kids to camp? I actually begged my older kid to go to camp..I think it is so much fun, but he's not into it. My little one is begging to go..maybe next year.
Well in this ultra embarrassing episode two friends share their camp experiences and you don't want to miss it!
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Summer Splash Series: When the Kid Busts in the Bathroom Door...
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Well we've all tried to hide in the bathroom but it's like they have this keen sense of when we are trying to get away and come looking..and sometimes they prob wish they hadn't!!!!
I do sometimes worry that those "private" things are going to get talked about at school! Please kid! Let's not tell our teacher everything that happens at home! LOL
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Wednesday Jul 07, 2021
Sometimes a girl has to do what a girl has to do to get her shopping on! Ne.ces.si.ty! Lemme know how you relate!
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Summer Splash Series: Use the pliers & Get your WAX on!
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
You heard me right?! What do pliers have to do with girl talk? You won't even believe this! Listen in and tell me when you pee your pants from laughing so hard! Love this girl to pieces.
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Summer Splash Series: Tampon Stories
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
You know...there is not a lot of explanation for this series! I'm here for the party! It's so important to talk about the hard things, but it's just as real and true to talk about the mishaps, the funny things, the embarrassing things!! We've got to laugh and enjoy our life and who better than with our friends! I hope you enjoy this mini series of daily laughs dropped into your vacation spot, workout spot...summer spot! If you're at work you can thank me later for adding this fun!
Let's keep laughing!
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Learn to Enjoy Your Life with Unbelievable Freedom w/ author Kim Smith
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
You can buy her book and learn more about her in this beautiful website!
Why does it take some life event to shift our belief system and shake us a bit? I don’t know..it’s too bad, but we can be so thankful for those things that mark us and move us...keep us moving forward in life..not becoming stagnant in our beliefs but allowing us to question and grow. Is that true for you? Can you see that hard things invite you to grow?
Our guest today is Kim Smith, author of the workbook series, Unbelievable Freedom, and her latest memoir, Enjoy Your Life. She bravely shares her journey to fulfilling her grandmother’s gentle command to enjoy your life. What an amazing charge to receive.
Kim and I connected during a business coaching program and it just felt like we aligned more and more over the past year.
Even still I wasn’t expecting this. Holy Spirit showed up and floored us both.
So much of who God is is generous making us feel safe and held. Everything else stems from that place. It is a basic human need.
Sometimes we can look back and see what it was that gave us that feeling or introduced us to love. We know it. It resonates because we innately know there is more to life than what we can see.
Like when we close our eyes to blow out a candle and make a wish. We are exercising faith that there is beyond what is visible.
Today Kim shares how that love changed her and invited her to more. All of that blossomed into an amazing journey of relationships and freedom.
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Unholy Mess:What the Bible says about Clutter, w/ author, Angie Hyche
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Angie Hyche, author of UnHoly Mess: What the Bible says about Clutter, bravely shares how an unexpected detour in her life allowed her to discover God in a more personal way. She embarked on a journey of following her passion and learning to worship God through her purpose. I love how she shares the feeling of contentment that comes with this discovery and how fulfilling it is to serve others as a professional organizer.
In her book, Angie generously gives us tools and tips for decluttering our home, our mind, and our schedule, brilliantly combining the spiritual component with the physical components. This episode is packed with ways to help simplify your life and make space for what really matters to you.
Go check her out!!! Definitely grab a copy of the book too!
Monday Jun 14, 2021
From Running Feet to Dancing Feet: a girl who finds HOME with Jesus
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Shauna Bowen is our brave guest today. She tells her story with humor and genuine love for others. I’m captivated by the concept in her story that God was always there, but completely respect when she asks why didn’t he save me? It’s a question many have asked. It is a question worth pursuing and though there may never be a clear answer, there is such beauty and grace when one is able to tell their story and create life with it. When Shauna looks back through her life she can see how God provided for her and pursued her, showing her the way to being embraced by Love. When Shauna shares how God poured true love in washing away addiction and fear, I felt like I met Him for the first time all over again. She brought Him so close with her honest telling of how He completely breaks her free from addiction. Her journey is extremely difficult filled with so much abuse, such devastation and loss. She shares about choosing adoption, the suicide of her parents, marriage, parenting, but ultimately restoration. Beautiful restoration of so many broken things.
She says she was always a good runner..running from her problems, but I hope you’ll join me in seeing that she has always been running toward Love and Love crashed into her in wild pursuit. God held her close and healed her from severe wounds, showing her the way to forgive and restore.
She opened up her heart to God and let Him make her new. Her voice radiates with love and she longs to use her life for beauty. I hold her story so close and completely cherish it.
She ends our segment by talking about anger over a ham sandwich and self tanner! She has me rolling!
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Let go of the SELF You Created and Stir Up Wonder
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
To be honest, I had a whole thing written out and it disappeared and now I can’t think of anything to say! Where did it go? What is wrong with my brain? Seriously I don’t get it and felt so strongly about it 5 min ago. True story.
Listen, here’s the tea, knowing your identity is key. Knowing who you are and why you are and where you are going eliminates the need for striving and people pleasing and worry. More than anything, God's love covering your life and His voice speaking into your story allows you to step into the safest and most confident space. You are designed to walk with God knowing Him closely.
Is it God’s intention that we strive and try so hard? What if walking in our identity could be simple and full of rest? If you are like me we can spend a lot of energy creating a life we want..when the life we want is found in rest. It is found in our relationship with the Father and being united in Love. In today’s episode we get to talk about how to stop clinging so tightly to who we want to be or who we think we are supposed to be and instead letting our identity fill in as we step toward curiosity and questions and wonder. Take that stuff straight to him. He’s the real deal and is ready for it all.
Monday May 31, 2021
The Princess and the Prosthetic: Disability is Diversity
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Being a mom, facing the unexpected, navigating new territory, advocating for her life and her daughter's life, and recognizing grief...Jaime shares how being multifaceted has not only equipped her but created a beautiful life that allows her to pour into others. Not a life she expected or planned for but one she now realizes she wouldn't trade because it is filled with so many gifts. Living with Type 1 Diabetes and raising a daughter with a heart condition, as well as a prosthetic leg, has taught Jaime to keep getting up, keep pushing, and never say never! She advocates with such grace and welcomes all to the table. It was such a gift to have her at mine. I am grateful.